Design Review Guide#

Altium: PCB Review Pre-Checklist


  • Validate project/schematic

  • Update PCB from schematic

  • Repour all polygons

  • Pass DRC (design rule check) with no errors

Altium PCB Filter#

Altium Designer Query Language

Check assembly text is oriented correctly

IsText and OnLayer('ASM  Top') and  (Rotation = 180000)

Find traces of desired widths on a given layer

(OnLayer('L1') or OnLayer('L2')) and IsTrack and (Width > 0.381)

Find unrouted pads on PCB

(Net='No Net') and (IsPad=True)


Altium: How to Simulate a PCB Design

  • Front-end PCB Simulation and Analysis

  • Impedance Calculations in PCB Stackup Design

  • Simulations During PCB Layout and Routing

  • Post-Layout Simulations

  • More Advanced PCB Simulations

Decoupling Capacitors#

Resource: Decoupling Capacitor Calculations

  • Use a combination of inrush current calculations and impedance spectrums to minimize PDN impedance


Fig. 10 PDN Impedance#


Resource: Via Stitching & Via Shielding

Via Stitching

  • maintains low impedance and short return loops

Via Shielding

  • reduces crosstalk and electromagnetic interference in RF signals

  • provides low impedance path for EMI to travel, effectively grounding any stray signals that may be present

Power Distribution Network#

Goal is to ensure sufficient current and voltage to all loads.


  • Sufficient copper between sources and loads

  • Capacitor values and placement

  • VIAs sizes
